The Life and Correspondence of William Buckland, D.D., F.R.S.
Elizabeth Oke Gordon and 1 more
Not Available
The Fossils of the South Downs
Gideon Algernon Mantell
The Geology of the South East of England
A Stratigraphical System of Organized Fossils
William Smith
A Catalogue of the Collection of Cambrian and Silurian Fossils Contained in the Geological Museum of the University of Cambridge
J W Salter and 2 more
Plant Life Through the Ages
A C Seward
Catalogue of the Type Fossils in the Woodwardian Museum, Cambridge
Henry Woods
A Complete Guide to the English Lakes, Comprising Minute Directions for the Tourist With Mr. Wordsworth’s Description of the Scenery of the Country, etc. and Five Letters on the Geology of the Lake Di
Adam Sedgwick and 1 more
Reliquiae Diluvianae
William Buckland
Travels in the Island of Iceland, during the Summer of the Year 1810
George Steuart Mackenzie
A Sketch of the Physical Structure of Australia
Joseph Beete Jukes
Letters and Extracts from the Addresses and Occasional Writings of J. Beete Jukes, M.A., F.R.S., F.G.S.
Considerations on Volcanos The Probable Causes of their Phenomena, the Laws Which Determine their March, the Disposition of their Products, and their Connexion with the Present State and Past History
George Poulett Scrope
Physicalische Beschreibung der Canarischen Inseln
Leopold von Buch
The Natural History of Igneous Rocks
Alfred Harker
Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory of the Earth
John Playfair
Mont Pelée and the Tragedy of Martinique
Angelo Heilprin
A Geological Manual
Henry Thomas De La Beche
Geological Observations on the Volcanic Islands, Visited During the Voyage of HMS Beagle
Charles Darwin
Istoria dell'Incendio dell'Etna del Mese Maggio 1819
Carmelo Maravigna
Biographical Account of James Hutton, M.D. F.R.S. Ed.
The Geology and Extinct Volcanos of Central France
A Manual of the Geology of India
H B Medlicott and 1 more
On the Geological Structure of the Alps, Apennines and Carpathians
Roderick Impey Murchison
A Description of Active and Extinct Volcanos, of Earthquakes, and of Thermal Springs
Charles Daubeny
Memoirs of William Smith, LL.D., Author of the 'Map of the Strata of England and Wales'
John Phillips
Travels through Norway and Lapland during the Years 1806, 1807, and 1808
A Manual of Scientific Enquiry
John Frederick William Herschel
Bibliografia del Vesuvio
Federigo Furchheim
Lake Superior
Louis Agassiz
The Glaciers of the Alps
John Tyndall
A History of British Fossil Mammals, and Birds
Richard Owen
Hours of Exercise in the Alps
The Forms of Water in Clouds and Rivers, Ice, and Glaciers
Geology of Arran and Clydesdale
James Bryce
The Minerals of New South Wales, etc.
Archibald Liversidge
Seven Lectures on Meteorology
Luke Howard
Critical Examination of the First Principles of Geology
George Bellas Greenough
Memoir of Sir Andrew Crombie Ramsay
Archibald Geikie
The Geology of the Island of Arran
Andrew Crombie Ramsay
Essay on the Modifications of Clouds
Travels through the Alps of Savoy and Other Parts of the Pennine Chain
James David Forbes
A Long Life's Work
A Selection of the Geological Memoirs Contained in the Annales des Mines
Henry T De la Beche
A Companion to the Mountain Barometer
Thomas Jones
Volcanoes and Earthquakes
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De la rupture des glaces du Pôle Arctique
Antoine Aubriet
Études sur les glaciers
An Elementary Introduction to the Knowledge of Mineralogy
William Phillips
A Geognostical Essay on the Superposition of Rocks in Both Hemispheres
Alexander von Humboldt
Essai géognostique sur le gisement des roches dans les deux hémisphères
Tableaux de la nature
Über die vulkanischen Gesteine in Sicilien und Island und ihre Submarine Umbildung
Wolfgang Sartorius von Waltershausen
Discussions on Climate and Cosmology
James Croll
New Zealand
Ferdinand von Hochstetter
The History and Philosophy of Earthquakes
Member of the Royal Academy of Berlin
An Account of the Basalts of Saxony
Jean François dAubuisson de Voisins
The World before the Deluge
Louis Figuier
The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs
The Complete Weather Guide
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A Sketch of the Geology of Cornwall
Brenton Symons
A Bibliography of Indian Geology
Richard Dixon Oldham
Researches in Theoretical Geology
Observations in Meteorology
Leonard Jenyns
Fossils of All Kinds
John Woodward
Northern Waters
Fridtjof Nansen
A Description of Active and Extinct Volcanos
Twenty Years on Ben Nevis
William T Kilgour
Minéralogie des volcans
B Faujas de SaintFond
An Essay towards a Natural History of the Earth
Essay towards a First Approximation to a Map of Cotidal Lines
William Whewell
Outlines of the Geology of England and Wales
W D Conybeare and 1 more
The Mineralogy of Derbyshire
John Mawe
Illustrations of the Viscous Theory of Glacier Motion
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The Tower of Pelée
De corporibus marinis lapidescentibus quæ defossa reperiuntur
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A Treatise on the External, Chemical, and Physical Characters of Minerals
Robert Jameson
Travels in North America
Charles Lyell
The Wonders of Geology
The Life and Letters of Hugh Miller
Peter Bayne
Naturgeschichte der Vulcane und der Damit in Verbindung Stehenden Erscheinungen
Georg Landgrebe
The Climate of London
The Fossil Flora of Great Britain
John Lindley and 1 more
Recherches sur les ossemens fossiles des quadrupèdes
Georges Cuvier
British Fossil Brachiopoda
Thomas Davidson and 2 more